Dutch painter Frans Koppelaar

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Art Studio Frans Koppelaar - Dutch Painter

Frans Koppelaar was born 1943 in The Hague. He attended the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague and studied painting. In 1982 he had developed his very realistic, figurative approach and had his first successes with his Amsterdam cityscapes.

His work can be seen as a foretoken of the figurative revolution in Dutch painting (the "After Nature" Group) that evolved 7 years later as a reaction to conceptual art and bloodless art-theories that were all too common in the Dutch arts at that time. "Paint what you see" became the new motto.
Dutch painters that work in a similar way or use the same subjects are a.o. P. Klashorst, E. Hagendoorn, E. Voss, J. van Hall, P. Smit, S. Drukker and F. Leenhouts.

Online fine-art gallery of artist painter Frans Koppelaar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Realistic city views, landscapes, portraits and nudes. Contemporary figurative oil paintings. Dutch PainterDutch painter

more about Dutch painter Frans Koppelaar

Dutch Painter